World Elite trainer organisation WTEO PMU are an independent evaluation

of conformity assessment against recognised standards to ensure

their impartiality and competence.

Through the application of international standards consumers

can have confidence in us as an awarding organisation.

Standards of our organisation play an important role in

the International Quality Infrastructure.

They help to ensure consumers can have the confidence that

products and services they purchase meet our regulatory requirements.

Standardisation within the Industry by our organisation –

creates the national and international standards

that describe good practice in how things are being done.

We ensure that those who carry out training ,conformity assessment,

testing, certification and inspection are competent to do so.


The WETO PMU ensures that products and services from which ever

country of origin, meet standards of quality and safety.


The WETO PMU  ensures that standards, specifications and

conformity assessment methods are the same, allowing one certificate or

certification to be recognised around the world.

Quality is a measure of excellence or a state of being. It describes

something, either of how it was made, or how it is compared to others.

Quantity, on the other hand, is the extent, size, or sum of something.

It is countable or measurable, and can be expressed as a numerical value.

Quality and Quantity are two terms that one often comes across, especially

in business, research, physics, and even in everyday life. The main difference

between quality and quantity is the fact that quality refers to the characteristic

or feature of something, whereas quantity refers to the numerical value of


Quality is subjective, whereas quantity is not.

In business, there has been a continuous discussion on the basis of Quality vs Quantity.

There are many Trainer or Academy’s managers who focus on quantity as opposed

to quality of work. There are very few that prefer quality over quantity.

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World Elite

Schlossstrasse 2,

884533 Erolzheim

+49 7354 9366603

+49 1732657595